animal therapies



                                “Positive Health and Wellbeing of animals, Naturally”








Bowen Therapy


CranioSacral Therapy






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Bowen therapy involves the gentle application of a series of cross fibre movements on muscles, tendons and ligaments to release pain, spasm and stiffness of movement and to increase blood and lymph flow.  Bowen therapy allows neurological impulses to be sent to the brain resulting in immediate responses of muscle relaxation and pain reduction that balance the body and is effective for any muscular, skeletal or nerve imbalance.  It creates energy surges with electrical impulses sent to the nervous system reminding the body to regain normal movement in joints, muscles and tendons.  Bowen therapy also has an influence on the body’s energy and meridian systems hence having a balancing effect on bodily organs and their functions.  Bowen therapy for your dog or cat optimises health and treats a range of acute and chronic issues. 


Bowen Therapy assists with:

-          muscle injury

-          muscle and nerve degeneration

-          joint mobility

-          pain relief prior to and post surgery

-          recovery from illness

-          hormonal problems

-          kidney and liver problems

-          digestive problems

-          respiratory conditions

-          lymphatic conditions

-          senior care and arthritis management

-          neck, back, shoulder, forearm, hip & hindleg pain/tightness

-          behavioural problems                









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