animal therapies



                                “Positive Health and Wellbeing of animals, Naturally”








Bowen Therapy


CranioSacral Therapy






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Description: Description: Description: Description: blue's clues cakeCraniosacral Therapy Description: Description: Description: Description: blue's clues cake


Craniosacral Therapy (cranial osteopathy) for your dog or cat is a gentle therapy involving light finger pressure to release tension and harmonise the central nervous system to optimise body movement and correct imbalances.  Treatments are relaxing and beneficial to pets as they facilitate the body’s natural ability to heal itself.


The cranial sacral system is made up of the cranium (bones of the skull), the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround the brain and spinal cord and the sacrum (at base of spine).


Within our pets body are various rhythms and pulses that influence their physical and psychological health.  Craniosacral Therapy works with the rhythm and pulse of the cranial sacral system by gently realigning the bones of the cranium and the sacrum to remove any tensions.    The body is assisted to correct itself to enable optimum functioning level.


Craniosacral Therapy assists with:


-      Behavioural Problems

-      Emotional Problems

-      Anxiety

-      Head Injuries/Traumas

-      Facial Nerve Paralysis

-      Pre/Post Surgery

-      Hip Dysplasia

-      Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD)

-      Spinal Injuries

-      Hind leg Injuries and Lameness

-      Spaying & Neutering

-      Blocked Tear Ducts






Mobile: 0407 874 324         Email:


© 2011 Pawsitive Animal Therapies